Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Week 2 2017: Hurricane Edition

The Tossing of the Sea

This week's post has nothing to do with football, but concerns something far more important: debriefing the experiences of a hurricane.

When Irma took that westward jog over to the west coast of Florida, I was thinking: "Lord, not again."  You see we went through Charley and it really did a number on our previous home.  I really did not want to go through that whole traumatic experience again.  I was honestly more nervous the day before it hit than the day it actually did.  I was much more at peace when it hit because two couples came over to our house to ride it out with us.  Their presence was truly a blessing provided by God.  We ate, played games, and laughed while the wind rattled our shutters.  Before I knew it, it was over.

Fortunately for us, our neighborhood ended up faring very well.   Due to the quick weakening of Irma once it made landfall, which I firmly believe was due to the power of prayer, and a move of the eye of the storm to the east, the North Port/Port Charlotte area suffered much less damage than I thought it would.  However, other areas like Naples, Fort Myers, Miami, Daytona Beach, and Arcadia were not so fortunate.  I will be praying for the families and individuals in those cities as they attempt to rebuild and make sense of it all.

My spirit is lifted when I hear stories of all the aid and assistance being provided wherever it is needed.  Whether this aid comes from Christian organizations such as Samaritan's Purse, secular sources like the Red Cross, or just kind individuals, it warms my heart to know that in a crisis, help is never far away.

But this destructive storm reminds me of something far more important.  You see I believe without a shadow of a doubt that God allowed Harvey and Irma to hit the United States to serve as a wake up call for all Americans.  In Luke 21: 25-27 Jesus says, “There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea.  People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.  At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory."  These hurricanes, a product of "the tossing of the sea," on top of earthquakes, tsunamis, and the like make it very clear that the end times are near.

There will be those that say I'm crazy, but I promise you I'm not.  God is just, enacting judgment at the time He wants and in the way He chooses.  He has been keeping track of six thousand years worth of wickedness that people in the world have committed.  Just because He's holding back his wrath doesn't mean He'll hold off forever.  When you rightly realize that current events line up perfectly with signs of the end times described in the Bible, there really should be no doubts left.  The judgment that God is about to wreak upon the Earth will
make the movie "2012" look like child's play.

I would like to point out that I myself could not hope to avoid the coming wrath if it was not for God's offer of salvation that He gave by coming to Earth in human form.  Jesus Christ lived a perfect life and because of that He was able to take the sins of the world upon Himself when He died on the Cross.  God raised Jesus from the dead and He instructed His Disciples to spread a message of hope to the entire world. The message was that everyone who would accept Jesus and their Lord and Savior would be cleansed and forgiven of their sins.  These believers He would accept as his dearly beloved children, shield them from God's wrath, and give them eternal life in a perfect place called Heaven.

Wherever you are regarding faith in God, think long and hard about what you just read.  Come to Jesus.  He wants to save you.  ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS LET HIM.

Admit you're a sinner and come to the Cross with a humble heart today. A eternal life of neverending joy awaits you.

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